Celina Rotundo & Hugo Patyn

Introduction to Close Embrace. BEG

Website: http://www.hugoandcelina.com

Fun boleos y contra boleos, lineales o circulares. Ampliamos el espectro y encontramos nuevas posibilidades. Fun boleos and against boleos, linear or circular. We broaden the spectrum and find new possibilities. INT/ADV

Playful moves to dance Milonga – INT

Sutiles fueras de eje, la importancia del trabajo de las caderas. Subtle off-axis, the importance of hip work. INT/ADV

Giros: Donde esta el eje? Quien es el centro? Diferentes formas de ejecución. Muévete fluidamente, suave y energéticamente. Turns: Where is the axis? Who is the center? Different forms of execution. Move fluidly, smoothly and energetically. ADV

Paso en falso, a mover las patitas!!! Animate! Puedes tener una reacción mas rápida y dinámica. Sigue la marca de tus sentimientos. False step, A MOVER LAS PATITAS!!! Cheer up! You can have a faster and more dynamic reaction. Follow the mark of your feelings – INT

Celina Rotundo & Hugo Patyn: two excellent Dancers, Choreographers and Master Instructors of Argentine Tango.

From Buenos Aires, Argentina, these two creators and directors of various productions never fail to reach their audience through their dance by evoking the most profound emotions. They have made a wide variety of appearances in Movies, Shorts, Advertisements, Festivals and Tango Shows throughout more than 30 countries.

There is no audience that does not explode into applause when their show is presented. Celina & Hugo are two authentic representatives of Tango culture.

As teachers they have trained hundreds of dancers into great milongueros as well as professionals who today travel all over the world teaching and sharing their art.

They employ an exclusive and accredited method where in their classes each student, regardless of their level, may reach their goals by managing to learn and incorporate what is shared by their masterful instructors.
Know more about Celina Rotundo & Hugo Patyn visiting www.hugoandcelina.com